STTM.INFO © 2009  •  Member of: the S.S.R. Regulation Authority of Denmark à •  Privacy Policy  •  Terms of Use

Coming soon:



• Pictures from Norway »

Pictures taken during a vacation to Norway 2007 - visiting our Årsheim friends.


• Bornholm 2008 »

Pictures from the trip to Bornholm 2008 with our Årsheim friends.


• Other pictures »

Pictures from hotelstays, airlines and holidays. 





This web-page is currently under construction...



The S.S.R. Regulation Authority of Denmark code of conduct page:, and are in limited liability partnerships in Denmark and they are regulated by the S.S.R. Regulation Authority of Denmark.  


The rules of the S.S.R. Regulation Authority can in the future be accessed at code-of-conduct page. 


A list of the S.S.R. Regulation Authority and its professional qualifications is open to inspection at the registered address of: Raffles, Amerika Plads 30B 1. sal -4, DK-2100 København Ø, Denmark. [Open by July 15th 2009]






More information will be posted on the page, as it gets updated.